
剧情片   电影 日本  2004  日语 

又名:Tokyo Noir


主演:吉本多香美 亜沙里 原史奈 


整理:2023-07-01 00:07:58


《东京黑色》是三篇短篇小说的集大成,探讨了当代日本女性的生活以及她们对性产业的态度。在第一个故事中,一个性欲被压抑的女人(Yoshimoto Takami饰)在开始变脸时找到了表达的自由。在第二部中,Aimi Nakamura在东京一家妓院扮演一名受欢迎的性工作者,当她的前男友来访时,她感到很惊讶。在最后一个故事中,绫关在博客上写下了她的性经历,并最终和一个孤独的女人成为了朋友。这三部电影讲述的是生活在东京的当代日本女性的故事,也是一部经常被忽视或未被阐明的性观念的概要。

Tokyo Noir is an omnibus of three short stories delving into the lives of contemporary Japanese women and their attitudes towards the sex industry. In the first story, a woman (Takami Yoshimoto) with a repressed libido finds freedom of expression when she starts turning tricks. In the second, Aimi Nakamura plays a popular sex worker in a Tokyo brothel, who is taken by surprise when her ex-boyfriend comes by to visit. In the last tale, Aya Seki writes about her sexual experiences on a blog and ends up befriending a lonely woman. Three tales of contemporary Japanese women living in Tokyo, the films are also a compendium of frequently unseen or unarticulated ideas of sexuality.

黑色东京相关链接: 黑色东京 东京 黑色 赌神 郑爽 主厨 朱颜 

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